Feng Shui For Animals
Ursela helps her clients make changes in their home and garden environment to invite prosperity, love, friends, health, peace and ease into their realm
Ursela checks the animal's living area to make sure it has the right energy for the animal to thrive |
Feng Shui is the art of balancing and harmonising the environment through placement - and animals too appreciate a pleasant environment.
The following by no means addresses all possibilities - these are just a few examples on how Feng Shui can affect our animals -
It is often very easy to accommodate our animals with a few smart changes so they can find themselves in happier, healthier and more comfortable circumstances in our homes.
During sessions with cats and dogs I sometimes hear them complain about the positioning of their food dish:
For your animals to be able to peacefully eat and drink, their food and water dishes should be placed in an area that is clean, quiet and away from foot traffic. Your beloved animals should not have to feel nervous to be stepped on or pushed when trying to nourish their bodies. Nor should they feel rushed to eat their food because of another animal eyeing it. If there is competition for food between your animals please separate them during feeding times by placing the dishes in separate areas.
I sometimes hear from cats that their food dish is placed in a utility room or a bathroom right next to their litter box and that this is not exactly appetizing for them, especially as their sense of smell is far superior to ours. Imagine having to dine next to your toilet!
There is actually quite a humorous kitty comment about this by a cat called Gracie in a story starting on page 76 of my book:

As far as the food itself, please feed high quality foods. A balanced, species appropriate organic home-made diet is best. If you need to feed commercial foods you can find quality fresh frozen diets or freeze dried foods. Kibble is the worst kind of “food” you can give to your cats or dogs.
Cats for example like high places to look out from and a cat tree can do wonders for their disposition. If there is no space for a cat tree in your home, easy to reach shelves mounted on a wall can be less obvious and great fun for your feline companion to jump up on and survey their surroundings. Even a partially emptied bookshelf can provide a great place of respite and a superior outlook for your beloved cat. Empty boxes and even a paper bag can be great fun to explore or hide in. A sunny window sill from where kitty can watch birds and other goings-on can be a fulfilling afternoon distraction too - not to mention toys and your attention, of course. Some of my clients, devoted to their cats, have even bought or constructed entire catios for them.
For your animal family member to be able to rest peacefully and awake healthy and refreshed, their comfortable bedding would be best placed in a pleasantly temperate area without any drafts and away from electromagnetic fields and negative earth currents. Electromagnetic fields can be detected with an electromagnetic field detector and negative earth currents (telluric stress) are found through dowsing. I work with these modalities routinely during my Feng Shui consultations be they in person or long distance.
On chilly nights felines and advanced age canines sleeping in a cool room, may appreciate it to be lovingly covered with a nice soft blanket.
Rather than seeing it as a bother to cover up your beloved companion, know that it also improves your own happiness and contentment if you perceive your pet to be comfortable and feeling loved.
The Biomat which has many health benefits can also be a wonderful and luxurious addition to your animal’s or to your own bedding:
https://www.animalpsychic.info/biomats.htm and https://healingartsinfo.com/whatisbiomat.htm|
Please feel free to contact me if you have questions about or would like to order a Biomat.
The above photo shows senior pup Marcel, formerly a homeless stray, enjoying his retirement in one of his perfect resting places (a Biomat is placed underneath his blanket for health and superior enjoyment). A loving home, energy healings, Flower Essences and the Biomat all helped restore Marcel from the physical and emotional stresses experienced during his life in the streets to a healthy and energetic dog.
During one of my Feng Shui consultations my clients alerted me that their bird had suddenly stopped singing and displayed obvious signs of distress. It turned out that her cage had been moved from its original place a week before. When I dowsed for telluric stress I discerned that magnetic earth currents crossed underneath the place where the bird cage had been placed and when I went further to check on EMFs they were also present at this exact place. This was a highly stressful and toxic area for the little bird and she was getting sick from this lethal combination and may have died had she stayed there much longer. After the bird cage was moved to a better place the bird started singing again two days later. In my above mentioned book I am describing another such situation about a dog in Japan; except that the dog was able to move from the area where his bed was placed. Such an option is sadly not available to a caged bird or to animals confined in terrariums or tanks. Therefore, we have to watch their behavior and take appropriate action for them.
If you have fish in an aquarium, please make sure that your fish tank is clean, ph-balanced for the kind of fish you are housing and that pump and filter are in good working order and do not emit harmful EMFs. Watch the behavior of your fish to let you know whether they are happy and well balanced. Of course the same care and attention apply to your fish pond, terrariums etc as well.
More on Feng Shui can be seen here: https://healingartsinfo.com/fengshui.htm