Dearest Clients and Friends,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for voting for me and bringing me again to the top of my profession with your many votes and recommendations. It is wonderful to know that my work is so appreciated.
Below are the results from the international elections 2016/17 and 2015/16 in which more than 17,000 Lightworkers from 83 countries participated.
Hundreds of thousands of voters took part in these amazing events which featured 61 categories. I was highly honored by your votes in all of the 5 categories that I was nominated for. This year I was further placed by the committee into 2 more categories because of your many glowing recommendations! I am truly blessed by you and so grateful to you, my wonderfully supportive clients!
The election results got my photos onto the covers of many books and magazines, and my biography, interviews, statements and quotes into national and international publications in various languages as can be seen below:
Ursela is now prominently featured in 17 books and various esoteric magazines with many photos, interviews and biographical information.
Here is one of the latest:
Link to Google
Link to Amazon

Publisher : (November 22, 2019)

Early & Contemporary Spirit Artists, Psychic Artists and Medium Painters from 5000 BC to the present day
Link to Amazon
Ursela on the cover of the book by bestselling author Maxmillien de Lafayette.
The book features 6 of Ursela's paintings and 2 photos of her. Underneath one of the photos the author writes:
“Ursela Rabe, one of my favorite Lightworkers. A brilliant mind, a heart made of gold, and a spectacular psychic-esoteric talent define the persona of this extraordinary lady.”
Publisher : (May 19, 2017)
Please see Ursela’s World Election wins in many categories here. After the 2016/17 elections there have not been any more polls of this magnitude for Lightworkers:
2016/17 Results:
5 Stars and:
# 1 Best Animal Reiki Master/Healer in the World
# 1 Best Animal Communicator in the World
# 1 Best Pet Psychic in the World
# 1 Best Flower Essence Practitioner in the World
# 2 Best Feng Shui Master/Consultant in the USA, #1 in Europe and #6 in the World
# 1 Most Recommended Practitioner of Divinitory Arts in the USA and the World
# 3 Woman of the Year
2015/16 Results:
5 Stars and:
# 1 Best Animal Reiki Master/Healer in the World
# 2 Best animal Communicator in Europe and #5 in the World
# 1 Best Feng Shui Master/Consultant in the USA and Europe
# 1 Most recommended Lightworker in the USA and World
# 7 Woman of the Year
She also received "POUR LE MERITE" award - 'The highest award ever given to a lightworker' "For outstanding accomplishments and services to Humanity"
Furthermore She got honorary mention together with 38 other lightworkers under: “Non-selfish lightworkers and scholars who voted for and/or recommended other lightworkers.”
Below are books by Maximillien de Lafayette/Times Square Press, which all show Ursela’s picture on the cover and contain many pages with her awards, accomplishments, biography, interviews and many photos of Ursela and the best in the various field categories.
The American Federation of Lightworkers (American Federation of Certified Psychics and Mediums) is a non-profit government recognized organization. This body organized the election of the World’s Best together with Times Square Press, New York. Nominees do not pay a single cent for participation in the votes nor to be in any of the books.
Here are some excerpts from the books:
Biography :
Born in Germany in her parents’ hotel, Ursela was surrounded by international energies from the start. From early on she heard animals and plants speak to her and had a penchant for beautifying places and creating harmony. On her own volition she was involved as a child with the flower arrangements and decorations in her parents’ hotel, but despite her psychic and artistic leanings, her parents found it prudent that she study something “practical”. So she studied International Business and Languages. This afforded her travel as a translator/interpreter for businesses in many countries.
When she got tired of the business grind, she started exhibiting her paintings with surprising success. What followed was a brand new career as an artist with exhibitions in fourteen different countries. Meanwhile she studied Metaphysics and was active in Animal Welfare and Rescue in every country she lived in.
After an odyssey of adventures she took root in her beloved California 24 years ago and finally followed her heart’s calling to work with animals’ physical and emotional health and by beautifying the homes of clients with creative Feng Shui solutions.
She was hired to train and certify Feng Shui consultants in Japan and has taught and consulted in various other countries. Her Feng Shui consultations are based on the Astrology of her clients - she also has been an Astrologer for 37 years.
Ursela is often asked how she communicates with animals and it is her opinion that the prerequisite for communication is that one does not feel in any way superior to the animal. She states that total respect for their being and uniqueness is the answer, that animals are not inferior to humans - they are different and their intelligence has been developed by them for the survival of their particular group. They are emotional and spiritual beings and masters at unconditional love.
Ursela’s passion is to give animals a voice and to create harmony and beauty in homes, gardens and businesses.
Statements by Ursela Rabe :
Feng Shui, Astrology and Art:
"Feng Shui consultations are based on an in-depth study of my clients’ astrological profiles, which enables me to recommend the most pleasing and effective Feng Shui solutions for them.
Furthermore, I always check for negative electro-magnetic fields and dowse for geopathic stresses that often impact health and energy levels. I close energy leaks, neutralize negative energy, intuit disruptive entities and send them to the light. I also create Feng Shui Art.
My goal is to create health, harmony and balance, which serves my clients as well as the greater good. When we are balanced and happy we have the power to create a world of abundance and we bring some of this to everyone we meet creating a ripple effect and making a better world for all."
Animal Communication and Animal Healing:
"Since childhood it has been my passion to make a difference for animals. My heart goes out to the misunderstood, the sick and the abused. We all can make a difference by raising awareness through signing of petitions, going to our local animal shelter to walk dogs and cuddle cats, bringing love to one lonely animal at a time. We can foster or adopt and support rescue groups, take good care of our own pets, protect our plants and respect our Earth. There is much that can be done to bring about change. We do not have to do spectacular things to have a great impact.
Having said that. Even in well-meaning and very loving households our animals often need help to be understood and to get healed. Energy healings, communication and Flower Essence combinations specific to the animal’s experience help a rescued pet release past shocks and experiences. Even the little guy who has never seen a bad day in her/his life can be traumatized by a vet visit or may have past life issues to work out. To say that I have seen and heard unusual requests from animals would be an understatement."
Here is a sampling of some of the many books and magazines where you can find Ursela on the cover and inside:
Voyance & Parapsychologie Magazine, November 2016
Prints in 3-5 business days
VOYANCE & PARAPSYCHOLOGIE Novembre 2016.Edition de luxe en couleurs. PUBLIE PAR TIMES SQUARE PRESS NEW YORK En couverture: Ursela Rabe, Brigitte Gregorj, Brigitte Faccini, Alexia Conseil, Blanche de Laurac, Judith Fricot.Voyance &. Parapsychologie. de WJ News Agency Times Square Press (Auteur)
National and International Rank of the United States & The World's Best Practitioners of Divinatory Arts
Prints in 3-5 business days
National and International Rank of the United States & The World's Best Practitioners of Divinatory Arts. Based upon the results of the New York 6th International Vote. Published by Times Square Press New York.
By WJ News Agency Times Square Press
Prints in 3-5 business days
Le vote international de New York : Les meilleurs praticiens des arts divinatoires dans le monde. En couverture: Patti Negri, Présidente de la Fédération Américaine des Voyants et Médiums Certifiés. Jennifer Wallens, Vice-Présidente de la Fédération Américaine des Voyants et Médiums Certifiés. Peggy Bodo, Ghislaine Dussel, Ursela Rabe, Patrice Cole, Chief Examiner de la Fédération Américaine des Voyants et Médiums Certifiés.
Prints in 3-5 business days
LES MEILLEURS VOYANTS, MÉDIUMS, ASTROLOGUES ET TAROLOGUES DE FRANCE 2016-2017 . Editions Times Square Press New York. Nous ne recevons jamais un seul centime d'un voyant ou d'un médium. L'inclusion est gratuite. MATIERES: Artisans de lumière les plus recommandés par le public et les consultants. Praticiens des arts divinatoires choisis par le public. Meilleurs mediums, astrologues, tarologues et voyants en France. Praticiens que l'on peut consulter (Services, contact, tarifs, profil, et avis). Meilleurs Tarifs.
2016 United States Best, Most Honest And Most Popular Lightworkers

Price: $31.97
Ships in 3-5 business days
2016 United States Best, Most Honest And Most Popular Lightworkers (722 Pages. Thousands of entries and names in over 590 categorries). Published by Times Square Press, New York. This is the ultimate reference tool and source of information on psychics, mediums and lightworkers in the United States. Before you call any psychic, medium, astrologer, lightworker, find out first if his/her name is in this book.! It’s your money. Be cautious. Be smart. Avoid scammers! Bear in mind that there are thousands upon thousands of lightworkers in the United States. Do you really know who are the best, the honest, the caring, the most effective, the most expensive, the most affordable, and who are the fraudulent and deceptive ones? Perhaps you do to a certain degree. But at Times Square Press we know best, thanks to our unlimited resources, our data base, years and years of investigation and research, our contact and communications with lightworkers from around the world.
2016 Europe’s Best Psychics And Mediums. Meilleurs Voyants et Médiums de France et d’Europe

Ships in 3-5 business days
2016 Europe’s Best Psychics And Mediums. Meilleurs Voyants et Médiums de France et d’Europe (740 Pages). Published by Times Square Press, New York . 2016 Europe’s Best Psychics And Mediums. 2016 Meilleurs Voyants et Médiums de France et d’Europe, based upon The 5th national & international election/vote of the United States and the world’s best mediums, psychics, healers, astrologers and lightworkers 2015-2016. (New York International Vote). Basé sur les résultats du 5ème vote/élection au niveau national et international des meilleurs voyants et médiums de France et d’Europe, qui a eu lieu à New York, États-Unis. CLASSEMENT DES MEILLEURS VOYANTS ET MEDIUMS EN FRANCE ET EN EUROPE. L’ultime ouvrage de référence et source d’information sur les plus grands voyants et médiums de notre temps. THE #1 REFERENCE TOOL AND SOURCE OF... More >
2015-2016 World’s Best, Most Trusted And Most Popular Lightworkers
Paperback, 740 Pages
Price: $32.96
Ships in 3-5 business days
Published by Times Square Press, New York “2015-2016 World’s Best, Most Trusted And Most Popular Lightworkers” Based upon The 5th national & international election/vote of the United States and the world’s best mediums, psychics, healers, astrologers and lightworkers 2015-2016. (New York International Vote). THIS BOOK IS THE WORLD’S # 1 REFERENCE TOOL AND SOURCE OF INFORMATION ON LIGHTWORKERS AROUND THE GLOBE. Written by the international bestselling author Maximillien de Lafayette, President of the American Federation of Certified Psychics and Mediums, Inc. The most important book on psychics, mediums and lightworkers ever published.
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